From back pain and headaches to anxiety and depression, stress and insomnia to high blood pressure, peri-menopausal hot flashes to infertility, treatments with Ruth act as a catalyst, gently helping your body heal itself.
Ruth Schlesinger, L.Ac offers acupuncture, herbal and functional medicine to treat the whole body.
Ruth practices integrative medicine - a combination of conventional medicine with complimentary and alternative medicine. The intention of this approach is to give patients a full body (or systemic) treatment, addressing not only what’s going on physically but to also address emotional and spiritual components of their health.
One visit may consist solely of an acupuncture treatment, another may include a discussion about lab results before doing acupuncture and in another, the patient may be prescribed a tincture of western herbs or a supplement after receiving acupuncture. Ruth customizes each treatment and recommendation based on what the patient is presenting with.
“Ruth, you just gave me my life back. I feel so much better. Vitality again. I appreciate you immensely. Thank you for just being you!”
Schedule an Appointment
Call or text Ruth at 707 835-4940 or send an email to ruth.e.schlesinger@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.
Ruth’s practice is in the Sebastopol Wellness Center, south of downtown. The address is 517 Petaluma Avenue, Sebastopol.
Please see Contact Ruth for directions and a map.
Initial visit (about 75 minutes) $150
Return visits (about 45 minutes) $95
These rates do not include lab tests, herbal medicine or any supplements
There is a low-income sliding scale for return patients - please inquire about it if necessary
Payment options include cash, check, PayPal or Venmo
New patient appointments include a full medical intake and discussion of reason(s) for visit, diagnosis, acupuncture treatment, and future plan of treatment.
Please note there is a 24-hour cancellation policy - a fee of $65 will be charged if appointments are canceled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice.
Home visits are available for an additional charge
Wellness Services
Chinese medical theory dictates that acupuncture address both the "ben" (root) and the "biao" (branch). The root is the reason for imbalance in the body and the branch is the group of symptoms manifested by the root. Ruth chooses a combination of points to treat the symptoms the patient is having as well as the underlying imbalances so that the symptoms do not return.
Ruth uses tiny Japanese needles so that her patients are comfortable but makes sure she taps into the "qi" or energy of the body so that the chosen acupuncture points and their meridians are activated.
Herbal and Nutritional Support
Ruth carries western herbs from Galen’s Way, a Sebastopol-owned company to create individualized tinctures and will frequently prescribe various supplements depending upon the needs of the patient.
Ruth will frequently run blood and saliva tests as needed to check, for example, cortisol, thyroid and other hormone levels, monitor blood sugar levels or to evaluate levels of a particular condition.
About Ruth
Ruth is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist who uses integrative medicine to support her patient's’ general health. Her experience includes treating colds and boosting the immune system, balancing hormones and working with fertility, PMS and menopause, treating problems during pregnancy and optimizing digestion. An important part of Ruth’s work is supporting her patient’s emotional well being. She creates time and space for emotional processing as well as physical healing.
Ruth holds a Masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became a California licensed acupuncturist in 2001. During her final year of graduate school, she went to Sichuan, China and followed practitioners in the hospital, treated patients with acupuncture and took courses at the local university in various aspects of Chinese medicine.
Ruth will frequently work with a woman from fertility challenges to pregnancy and also works with premenstrual syndrome and menopausal imbalances.
“I feel safe, I feel like she listens to me, I feel like she has my best interests at heart and I feel that Ruth’s skill has helped me to overcome many of the issues I started seeing her for.”
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Ruth’s Office
Sebastopol Wellness Center
517 Petaluma Avenue
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Petaluma Avenue is the one way heading north towards downtown Sebastopol (parallel to North Main Street). Look for the 555 Petaluma Avenue sign and you can either turn right just before it, then left into my parking lot, or take the next right to park.
Have a seat in the waiting room and I will be with you. There are two restrooms available. Go through the waiting room door to find them.
Contact Us
Phone and text 707 835-4940
Email ruth.e.schlesinger@gmail.com